________Pretty Disaster: v.7: Prettier than ever...
^ The Disaster ^

[♥Monday, March 22, 2004♥]

showing off

Today i came back from my beach apartment and for some reason i came blog moody...

First of all, about college i can tell you that so far is going pretty well; haha! The C++ professor is German, speaks a very bad English and do not understand anything in Spanish, so you can imagine how it is going. Thank goodness my english understanging is a little good, so im managing to go to the class and have a nice time even tho some words sound very funny. The class is very interesting but that fact is going to make it a little harder AND he teaches thinking we already have some programming knowledge and most of us DONT! My Calculus class is going pretty well, im understanding everything, in fact everything seems soo easy that we are a little worried because sometimes when all the material is all that easy going, the exam is very hard and we fail *crossing fingers it wont happen now* The Ethics class is given by a 100 y/o man Usually, at that time of the day im very hungry and very tired and very sleepy.. i spent last class talking to my neighbor (who was sitting in from of me and we were both dealing on how to keep our eyes focus on class) and sending papers back to my friend Carmen gossiping about something she was already told. Want to know? She met one of our Math professor's ex husband and he talked and talked and talked.. haha!

What else... what else...? OK! Last Thursday i had my usual Thursday promo. I had a nice time, i was wearing a new uniform that was a whole lot more comfortable and pretty, but something happend... not too many people bought my beer.. i was a little dissapointed, but it wasn't my fault

On Friday i went to get my nails done and my neighbor Aybil called me to asked me if i could go to her mom's work and gave her the money for the tickets... okay.. you are lost...! haha! We both want to go to this concert on May; one of our fave male artists called Luis Fonsi. You gotta check him out, he's soo gorgeous and cute and sings and dances sooo good. Her mom works on the place where they sell the tickets (lucky us, huh?) so... she was going to hold some tickets for us (obviously we had to pay for them) want to know our seats? we are on very center of the stage FIRST row. I couldn't believe it! I was sooo excited!! :) Tickets? $73.. i thought they were going to be a whole lot more expensive. I went to her work and then finally, for the first time, stopped @ Starbucks and ooohhhh.. i loved it!!!

And then, i left for my beach apartment... i had a very nice and very needed relaxing time. I took tons of pics of Piggy as you all wanted to see her. She's very photogenic, *just as myself* haha! On Saturday my friend Ruben came to put some stuffs to my car that i was dying to put. :) It looks great but now the Gas Indicator is not working properly.. sooooo bad! Anyways, he went to my apt. with my ex-bf; i got to tell you.. i have NO feelings for him; i have always known that but i had some little doubts inside and thank goodness im clear now. We talked very normal and we could finally had sometime to talk without having bad feelings or hurting each other's feelings. He was my first serious relationship and of course i cant blow him out or erase him of my life and i'm happy we can finally be friends now...*i think*

On Sunday, i worked on a promotion there on a BMX and Mountain Bike Contest. I had a nice time. I worked from 10AM to 6PM @ $12/hr so you make the math!
I was working with the Energy Drink again i ended very very very very tired that i needed a massage (right Ipone?)
There were some pros at that and there was one that was driving me nuts, but i couldnt flirt much as they asked me to work on some place a little far from where he was... :( i dont know his name either... So.. if anyone's into that sport and knows something... let me know..!!! haha! I'm crazy... i know!!!

Today, i woke up at 7AM to get everything in the car to come back home, BUT as i had classes today, my parents drop me at college... i was hoping that my C++ proff. was absent so i could leave... but damned he came. But the Ethics proff. didnt so i came home early.. :) Lucky me.. !

I think this blog entry was a little longer than expected... I know i owe you the Piggy pics and you are dyig to see them so.... CLICK HERE!
NOTE: If they pics do not show, try them later. They are hosted at geocities.com and you know how that works sometimes.

Thanks to everyone that stopped by. Sorry i cant link you now, but y'all know who you are...


[ 5:16 PM]

[♥Friday, March 19, 2004♥]

Hello everyone...!

I hope you are all doing great. There's not too much to blog about, i just wanted to leave a quick note to tell you that i'm gonna be on my beach apartment from Fri. (today) 'til Monday... :) and PLUS i will be working on some Xtreme Games Sat. & Sun. :) It'll be fun. I will TRY to take pics and show you all.. :)

Hope you all have a nice weekend and think about me a lot... haha!


[ 1:51 PM]

[♥Wednesday, March 10, 2004♥]

i'm back...

So.... you must be thinking... "is she alive?", "does she still love us?" Well, the answer is YES!
I have missed you all soo much, you have no idea. I have had a not to good month, so i decided to take a break from my blog and for the internet. I haven't gotten online as much as i used to and promised to; i just got online to check emails and surf a little through the net. Not anything else.

About me? What have i done? What happend in my life? Why i was gone? How's life treating me now? Why i decided to blog again? I'm gonna try and answer all those questions, tho i can't promise it.

I had a rough last week on college. I had so many things to do, exams, drawings, porfolios and also working on some promotions, so... i was exhausted by the time classes ended. I received my grades and let me tell you.. i did hella-good! I was sooo proud of myself because i really worked my ass off and it paid off. I worked all my vacations and i also signed up in a gym with my mom (finally!) The gym is called Solid Rock It rocks! It's an indoor rock climbing place where obviously you are able to Rock Climb and i've become a pro at it. There are walls of 25 and 35 feets and i have climbed them both!! :) It is soo good; PLUS you have the gym upstairs. Our trainer is soo good. He did a great routine for us and let me tell you.. i can already see and feel the effect.

I have went shopping too.. by the way.. i bought this cute pink high heels... they look very Legally Blonde... haha! pink shoes... but i just LOVE them!!

Last Tuesday, my mom bought a puppy for my dad! It's a poodle. I have never liked poodles before but let me tell you.. she's a sweetie. We bought her having 3 weeks old, so you can imagine how small she was (is) and how much attention do we have to pay her. She's the most cute and funny puppy ever! She sleeps like a human with her paws upside... i also gave her one of my piggies and she sleeps holding it.. i think she believes that's her mom or something.... *awww* Ohhh... and her name? Guess it! Piggy. I swear i didnt came up with the idea; it was my mom. Wanna see her? I know you are all dying to see her.. Well, here she is: *applause*

I know the pic is not so good but i have no battery for my digi cam and i took it with my webcam

What else... what else...? Erm... i went to a casting on another agency and they loved me... ;) Im starting with them real soon!

Classes just started last Monday. I am so excited! My schedule is sooo amazing. I am taking: Calculus 1, Management 2, Ethics in Engineering, Computer Fundamental Programming (C++). I know im gonna do great now. Today i bought my first "dummies" book. :) haha! C++ for dummies, im so excited about taking that course, is not that hard *yet*, but it's something i have always wanted. So.. wish me luck!

Ohhh... i added some new fanlistings and a link of a very special friend, so.. go and visit her and show some love to her... Carrie
I know im forgetting lots of stuffs, but i can't remember now... :(
So i think this will be all for now.

I wanted to say THANKS and send warm hugs to everyone that has stopped by and showed their support for me; that even tho i wasn't around they kept coming and showing me how much they really missed me and appreciate me. Y'all know who you are so... THANK YOU!! *hugs*

[ 8:32 PM]

^ The Disaster ^